Finding a prized homegrown tomato on the ground with a bite out of it may have you wondering, "Do squirrels eat tomatoes?" (and maybe saying a few choice words). The short answer is yes; squirrels do find tomatoes to be a tasty snack. In fact, both tree squirrels and ground squirrels will feast on an array of ripe garden produce such as strawberries, sweet corn, and bell peppers. They usually wait until the produce is perfectly ripe before taking a bite. And when squirrels eat a tomato, they frequently take just one bite before moving on to the next ripe fruit.
Get to know these rodents' habits and protect your produce with these tips.
Types of Squirrels That Eat Tomatoes
Two types of squirrels—tree squirrels and ground squirrels — are known to eat tomatoes as they scamper through the summer vegetable garden. Both squirrels are primarily active during the day and regularly forage on ripe produce.
Ground Squirrels
Ground squirrels are smaller than tree squirrels and don’t have a bushy tail. Most ground squirrels are 12 to 16 inches long, including their tail, and have mottled brown firm fur. Some types have white and brown stripes. Ground squirrels live in colonies, building burrows with extensive tunnels 2 to 6 feet underground. The burrows with multiple entrance holes popping up through the garden are often as frustrating as the ground squirrels’ tomato-eating habits.
Tree Squirrels
Tree squirrels spend most of their time above the garden in trees. They descend to the garden to feed during daylight hours. Like ground squirrels, there are many types of tree squirrels across North America, but their habits are similar. Tree squirrels are attracted to ripe produce; they usually pass by a green, unripe tomato without a second look. Their diet changes weekly based on what's on nature's menu.
6 Ways to Protect Your Tomatoes from Squirrels
Tree squirrels, with their agility and lofty living quarters, along with speedy ground squirrels, have the upper hand in the garden. However, there are a few things an earth-bound, slow-footed gardener can do to prevent squirrels from turning a tomato patch into their favorite buffet.
1. Build a barrier.
It's impossible to contain roving squirrels, but you can create a critter-free area around your prized tomatoes. Use heavy-duty hardware cloth to build a cage around tomato plants. If ground squirrels are your primary nemesis, the structure can be a simple fence 18 inches tall and buried 6 inches below ground.
Thwarting tree squirrels from sampling tomatoes involves building a cage that envelops the entire plant. Not only will a whole-plant cage prevent tree squirrels from harvesting tomatoes, but it will prevent you from harvesting them, too. Add a door to the structure or plan to lift the cage off the plant whenever you want to water or harvest.
2. Use a repellant.
Several commercial repellants are available to deter squirrels from munching on plants. The repellants work to varying degrees of success and must be reapplied after rain. Peppermint and hot pepper are common repellant ingredients. Look for products in granular form that are spread around the base of the plant, as well as liquid repellants that are applied to foliage. Be sure the repellant is safe to use around produce.
3. Promote predators.
Natural predators such as snakes, hawks, and owls help control the squirrel population. Snakes are especially effective at keeping ground squirrel communities at a reasonable level. Welcome these visitors into your garden by providing wildlife habitat.
4. Employ the family pet.
Both cats and dogs can be effective squirrel deterrents. Just your pet's scent in the garden is sometimes enough of a threat to scare squirrels away. Try collecting fur your pet has shed and placing it liberally around your tomatoes as they ripen to see if that does the trick. And dogs often love chasing away squirrels that dare enter their territory.
5. Get a professional involved.
Professional pest companies often offer rodent control services. Inquire with your local company about trapping and relocating squirrels. Fumigation is also a control option for ground squirrels in some areas.
6. Share the garden.
The adage “when you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” applies here. It’s nearly impossible to completely prevent squirrels from occasionally taking a bite out of a tomato or other produce. If you can, plant a little more than you need, and share your garden with the 4-legged creatures. It is highly likely that they’ll be distracted by another tasty morsel within a few days, and you’ll be left with plenty of fresh produce.
Tips for Ridding Your Garden of Other Scavengers
The good news about animals in your garden is it means your flowers and produce are healthy and thriving, attracting little nibblers to indulge. If you want to decrease the population of chipmunks, who can do damage to your lawn by digging holes and eating bulbs before they can bloom, remove bird feeders with seeds, which chipmunks love, and keep your lawn manicured. If you suspect deer have been snacking on your tomato plants, you may want to consider these options for keeping the critters at bay. Skunks bring the double-whammy of their terrible odor used to protect themselves and their fondness for corn and compost piles. Make sure you securely shut trash cans and compost bins to keep skunks from investigating, and if nothing works, set a trap to catch them and relocate them elsewhere. For help with insects infesting your produce, use this guide.