Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe?
Cantaloupe is a low-cal, high-fiber (and tasty!) treat for both humans and felines alike, and your cat can enjoy this summer fruit in moderation.
Cantaloupe is a low-cal, high-fiber (and tasty!) treat for both humans and felines alike, and your cat can enjoy this summer fruit in moderation.
Carrots are safe for cats to eat as an occasional treat. Find out how to safely feed carrots to your cat, including best preparation methods.
Coconut oil is touted as a miracle food. Can coconut oil improve your cat's health? Is coconut oil even safe for cats?
Can cats eat dog food? In small amounts, it's unlikely to be a problem, but long-term feeding of dog food to cats can cause health issues and malnutrition.
Rosemary is a commonly grown and cultivated herb. It has uses in not just cooking but holistic medicine practices as well. Is rosemary safe for your cat to eat? What about rosemary essential oil?
Cats' need for water is dependent on their age, size, activity level, and health. A sudden craving for water could be a health problem.
Apples are a nutritious fruit for people, but can your cat eat them? Should they? Here's what should you know before you feed apples to your cat.
Learn the pros and cons of raw diets for cats, and find out how to choose a raw food diet for your own cat.
When checking the nutrition content of cat food, look for ingredients that are not healthy or show it is of poor quality. Avoid these 3 ingredients.
What should you feed a stray cat? Is dry or wet food better? Here's everything you should know about how to keep it from spoiling.
The amount of wet food your cat needs depends on factors such as age, weight, body condition, and lifestyle. Learn how much wet food to feed your cat.
Diet is an important part of managing diabetes in cats. Learn about the best cat foods for diabetic cats.
The best cat food delivery services make pet owners' lives easier by sending your feline's meals on a fixed schedule. We reviewed the top-rated companies.
Basil is a common herb used in cooking and traditional Eastern medicine. It is easy to grow and can be found in many homes, but is it safe for cats?
Get some important information you need to know before buying food and water bowls for your cat or kitten.
Can cats eat fruit? Learn which fruits are safe for cats and which should be avoided. Here's how to safely offer fruit to your cat as a treat.
Cats can eat coconut in moderation, but the high fat content can pose health issues for some kitties.
Tomatoes are a healthy snack for humans but should mostly be avoided for our feline friends.
Cats taste differently than humans and other mammals. Learn about your cat's sense of taste and find out what flavors they can and cannot experience.
Although cats are primarily meat eaters, strawberries may be an interesting and tasty snack for your feline friend. Find out the risks of feeding strawberries to cats and how to safely let your cat enjoy this fruit.