How to Know When to Call the Vet for Your Cat
How to know when to call your veterinarian for your cat.
How to know when to call your veterinarian for your cat.
Everyone knows that grapes are toxic to dogs, but can cats eat grapes?
Cat seizures are abnormal episodes of electrical brain activity that cause. Find out what causes seizures in cats and how to treat them.
Encephalitis causes potentially life-threatening brain inflammation in cats. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Cats are not resistant to bugs or parasites. Fleas, ticks, worms, and mites can all affect cats. Find out how to prevent them.
Learn some of the commonly-used types of anesthetics used for cats.
Feline immunodeficiency virus vaccine, an important medical breakthrough for pets, gives cat owners and activists concerns about its effectiveness.
Kittens usually experience more diarrhea than constipation, but a kitten that has trouble passing stool, or is not defecating can be just as serious.
Get information on what should you do if your pet seems ill and your vet's office is closed for the holidays.
Rippling skin is more than dermal sensitivity in cats. It can be a sign of Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Learn about holiday hazards that can harm your cat, including the Christmas tree and beyond. Keep your cat safe during the holiday season.
Learn about Vetericyn, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that is useful for wound treatment and other care for pets.
A common and incurable cause of respiratory illness, feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) is manageable. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Mums can be dangerous to cats if they eat them or if they come into contact with the skin. Here's what you need to know about chrysanthemum toxicity in cats, including when to contact the vet.
Pyometra is a serious type of infection that can affect female cats that have not been spayed. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
There are a lot of houseplant options for homes but not all of them are safe to have around cats. Find out what plants won't hurt your cat.
Coccidia is an intestinal parasite that can affect many species including cats. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Part of a dental care program for cats is a routine examination of their teeth and gums by the owner. Learn how.
Regular teeth brushing can improve your cat’s overall health. The right cat toothpaste makes it easier to make dental care a part of your routine.
Giardiasis is a parasitic infection that can wreak havoc on cats in crowded living conditions. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.